Wedding Stationery

Your wedding invitation sets the scene for your wedding, and will often include a hint of the colour scheme and style chosen for your wedding day.

Over the past few years, we’d had the privilege of attending the weddings of our friends and family, and received so many gorgeous invitations both through the post and via our inboxes.

Post Box or Inbox

There’s so many fantastic options now for sending your wedding invitations; beautiful gift boxes, scrolls and e-invites that add all the information to your calendar – brilliant.

We decided to go for an e-invite for our save the date (which was easily updated when we had to reschedule our wedding due to COVID), and then a postal wedding invitation. Sometimes you just need some lovely post through your door to brighten up your day.

Wedding Stationery by Christopher Walster

Wedding Invitation Design 

When you start attending wedding shows, events and exhibitions, you are exposed so many options for everything, including invitations. We just wanted to go for something slightly different that would be memorable, enter artist Christopher Walster.

I met Christopher at a local Maker’s Market, and instantly knew that he would be super to work with. We arranged to meet Christopher to discuss ideas for our invitations and signed up straight away. He made the whole process simple, enjoyable and we were over the moon with the final piece and we were thrilled when it was delivered in a stunning keepsake box too (this now has all our wedding cards in).

We were so impressed by Christopher’s quality of work that we also commissioned him to do our table plan and table plan numbers. It was a bonus to have one supplier cover so many different elements.

What To Include On Your Wedding Invitations

Apart from the obvious information; Names, Wedding Date, Venue Address, RSVP Address / Email Address and RSVP Date, we also had a separate insert that included all the extra details, this included:

The Venue Details – a map of the venue, contact details for the venue, car parking, when all cars needed to be collected the day after the wedding.

Carriages (Kick out time!) – this is really helpful for when people want to pre order taxis (brilliant for when you get married on the same day as a key England football match!).

Dietary Requirements (I would also suggest to add Drink Requirements) – You really need to be aware of any allergies including (but not limited to) Vegetarian, Dairy, Gluten Free requirements, or Nut and Fish Allergies.

Children – this is where we mentioned about only being able to accommodate family children at the wedding.

Our Wedding Website – details of our dedicated wedding website which included gift information, dress code, accommodation, wedding updates and everything that our guests needed to know.


The Wedding Guest List

This can be one of the trickiest parts of the wedding planning as you try and work out where to draw the line. We’re both from big families, and we wanted to invite as many guests as possible to share our wedding day but we also needed to be sensible.

We shared our special day with family and close friends, and then invited our work friends and colleagues to the evening reception.

It’s worth preparing for the fact that there will be guests who can’t attend at the last minute (in our case the pingdemic). It’s a good idea to select a number of evening guests who can be / are happy to be on standby to be upgraded to a day guest at short notice.



Order Extra Invitations

By ordering extra invitations you will be covered should you make any mistakes, or need to send out more invitations once you receive your RSVPs.

Create a Reserve List

Have an idea of the guests who you can upgrade to the full wedding day.

If you send your invitations out in batches, then you can upgrade guests without them really knowing.

Buy Stamps

If you’re sending your invitations out by post then you’re going to need a lot of stamps, plus you’ll need them for the thank you notes too.

We got into the habit of buying stamps at regular intervals so that they were all ready for when we came to send our invitations.

Wedding Colour Scheme

If you include a hint of your wedding colour scheme on your invitations, then be prepared for guests to arrive in those colours.

This has happened at lots of weddings that I’ve attended, I guess the guests make an effort to match your colour scheme.

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