Wedding Day Hints and Tips

After months of planning, a pandemic and Covid restrictions to navigate, we had the most amazing, memorable, magical day(s) to get married and celebrate our marriage. Now I can reflect on the day(s) and provide a list of all my hints and tips that may help you on your wedding day.

Plan A Relaxing Day Before Your Wedding

I made sure that I had a nice relaxing day, the day before my wedding. The last thing that I wanted was to be / look tired on my wedding day. This could be a good time to have your nails done or just sit and watch your favourite TV show.

Don’t Start Your Wedding Day Too Early

Once you know how many members of your bridal wedding party need their hair and make up doing, you can make the appropriate plans. It’s worth looking at booking an extra hair / make up artist just to give you a bit of extra time.

Wedding Refreshments

Eat And Stay Hydrated On The Morning Of Your Wedding

You’ll be nervous, but make sure that you eat and drink plenty of water on the morning of your wedding. If you’re getting ready at another location make plans in advance for refreshments.

My amazing bridesmaids turned up with this epic breakfast box filled with lots of goodies for the bridal party. This breakfast box was from Claire Green Bespoke Cakes and Bakery.

Wedding Day Brunch Box
Rain on your wedding day

You Can’t Change The Weather

But you can definitely plan for it! They say that rain on your wedding day is good luck. Have an idea of a contingency plan if you need to take cover from the weather. If you’re taking a wedding car to the venue then it might be worth having a couple of golf style umbrellas on hand.

If you think about this from a photograph perspective, then you can have some ideas of where to take photos if you can’t get outside.


Appoint A Trusted Individual Outside Your Wedding Party

It’s a really worthwhile idea to have somebody on hand who can help you when your bridesmaids are caught up in wedding duties. For me, this was my sister-in-law and niece, someone who I knew I could turn to if I needed my train checking or could pass my handbag to for photos.

Start Packing Well In Advance

When you’re preparing and packing for your wedding day make sure you start to do this well in advance of your wedding day. I had a dedicated overnight bag that was just for everything relating to my wedding day. I kept adding items into the bag as soon as I thought of them. I also had a list on my phone notes that I added to every time I thought of something.

Emergency Kit – I found the following items useful to include: – a sewing kit, little scissors, safety pins, plasters, sun cream, paracetamol, mints, dental floss are all good things to pack into your emergency kit.

Heel Protectors – I bought some heel protectors which were brilliant for when it came to photos on the grass – they stopped me from sinking into the grass!

Laundry Bags – These are brilliant for holding and transporting all your wedding cards and gifts.

Cut Out Your Dress Tags And Hanging Ribbons

Once you’ve got your wedding dress safely to the venue, or you’ve had the photo of your dress hanging and ready to wear – CUT OUT YOUR TAGS (this is where the little scissors come in handy!).

This was something that was brought to my attention by the dressmaker who did my wedding dress alterations. You don’t want the tags making an appearance on your wedding day or even as part of your wedding photographs.

Welcome Your Evening Guests

Make a point of being around to welcome your evening guests as they arrive. We provided a welcome drink to ensure that our guests headed to the bar once they arrived. When I’ve attended weddings as an evening guest, I’ve always appreciated being welcomed by the wedding couple, so I made a point of doing this for my guests. If a member of the venue staff or a family member can give you a heads up when your evening guests are arriving, it’s always helpful.

Laundry Bags For Holding Wedding Gifts

Transporting Wedding Gifts and Wedding Decorations

Laundry bags are a brilliant way to transport your wedding gifts and wedding decorations. We bought four of these laundry bags from a high street bargain store. They were great for transporting all our wedding party gifts to the venue, and then bringing our wedding gifts and cards back from the venue. Now we’re using them for storing things in our loft – bonus!

Enjoy Your Wedding Day

Everybody warns you that your wedding day goes by in a flash, and I can confirm that this is absolutely true. One minute you’re getting ready at 8:00am, then it’s your ceremony at 1:00pm, then your evening guests are arriving. Try and take a few moments together to look around and hold onto your wedding day feeling and absorb the atmosphere. Great times to do this are just before your ceremony, just before you join your guests in your wedding breakfast room, and the time after your have finished your meal.

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